How Assessment Can Shape Teaching and Learning Environments at Research Universities

Elizabeth Holcombe, Managing Director, VALUE Institute and Visiting Research Associate, Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University-Bloomington.

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Elizabeth Holcombe

Elizabeth Holcombe is a visiting research associate at the Center for Postsecondary Research at Indiana University Bloomington and managing director of the VALUE Institute, a partnership with the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) to help institutions of higher education document, report, and use learning outcomes assessment to improve student success in college.

Holcombe graduated from Vanderbilt University with a double major in political science and Spanish in 2008. After teaching elementary school in Atlanta with Teach for America, she moved to New York City to pursue a master’s degree in politics and education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Upon completing her master’s degree in 2011, Holcombe worked at Mercy College, managing several programs including a college access partnership, an academic advising and mentoring program, and a new co- and extra-curricular assessment initiative within the Division of Student Affairs. Holcombe earned her PhD in Urban Education Policy at USC Rossier School of Education, where she was a research assistant at the Pullias Center for Higher Education.